University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
Catalog #: UWL0004795
Secondary Catalog #: 40137
Taxon: Salix interior Rowlee
Family: Salicaceae
Determiner: G.W. Argus (1976)
Collector: S.R. Ziegler   2097   
Date: 1975-07-28
Verbatim Date: 28 July 1975
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, La Crosse, Mississippi River Mile 692.5; E side of large island on E side of main channel
43.747471  -91.238165 +-2327m.  WGS84
Verbatim Coordinates: TRS: T15N R7W sec 30
Elevation: 193 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 633 ft
Habitat: Salix community bordering slough; dredge spoil sites
Occurrence Remarks: map of area attached to sheet; normal pool elevation 631 ft; age of dredge material - 10 yr; 2.5 m height; female aments
Record Id: 15f77df5-72af-4408-b7b9-5b797fb0fcb4
Occurrence ID (GUID): 6fee7331-f766-4614-94ae-6c0586da1496
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: D. Gerber (gerber.dani@mail.uwlax.edu)
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