University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0334135WIS
Taxon: Betula pumila L.
Family: Betulaceae
Determiner: Nee, M. (2016-01-01)
Collector: Nee, M.   63098   
Date: 2016-07-20
Verbatim Date: 2016-07-20
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Price, 19 km. ESE of Fifield, Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, S of old drainage ditch to Riley Lake, 0.9 km SW of SW side of lake
45.8486111  -90.1788889
Verbatim Coordinates: 45° 50' 55" N, 90° 10' 44" W; T39N R02E sec24 SE4SW4;
Elevation: 480 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 480 m.
Habitat: Bog dominated by Sphagnum, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Kalmia polifolia, Ledum groenlandicum and Betula pumila, with scattered dwarf Larix laricina, Picea mariana, and Alnus incana ssp. rugosa.
Occurrence Remarks: Shrubs, abundant, to 1.7 m. tall, to 1.4 cm. in diameter, the larger stems ca. 10 years old. Voucher for wood specimens at Kw, Lw, MADw, MEXUw, RSAw. Inflorescences ascending, green.
Record Id: dd44af57-5c63-4b08-8d56-0d9bdff30147
Occurrence ID (GUID): a664c6b1-92e4-4a0b-b196-3f975d1f5a43
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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