Rubus occidentalis L.
Family: Rosaceae
Determiner: Zaborsky, J.G. (1/2023)
Moeller, Brian 31
Date: 1986-05-19
Verbatim Date: May 19, 1986
United States, Wisconsin, Lafayette, Ipswich Prairie (2.8 mi. S on Hwy 81, 2 mi. E on University Farm Rd., 1.7 mi. S on Ipswich Rd.) [S of Ipswich siding, 5 mi. SE of Platteville]
Verbatim Coordinates:
[TRS: T03N R01E sec 29 ; TRS: T03N R01E sec 30 ]
Occurrence Remarks:
uwpl006840. Mixed with a specimen of Rubus sp. (subgenus Rubus)
Record Id: 6f85c408-46ff-4e10-878c-d65fedebc996
Occurrence ID (GUID):