Galium asprellum Michx.
Family: Rubiaceae
Cochrane, Theodore S.; Cochrane, Barbara A. 14511
Date: 2006-06-16
Verbatim Date: 2006-06-16
United States, Wisconsin, Manitowoc, Two Rivers. Main Trail, between Goldenrod Trail loops, around Todd's Pond; Woodland Dunes Nature Center, S side of Hawthorne Ave. (= Wis. Hwy. 310) just W of Columbus St., 1.6 mi. airline due W of downtown Two Rivers
44.14626007 -87.59032552 +-1138m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T19N R24E sec02
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Moist, semi-shaded edge of of tall-shrub swamp (Alnus incana subsp. rugosa-Salix spp.), with occasional small trees (Ulmus americanus, Fraxinus pennsylvanica) and Erigeron philadelphicus, Lonicera tatarica, Lycopus americanus, Ranunculus acris, Fragaria virginiana, Geum canadense, Solidago gigantea, and Symphyotrichum lateriflorum.
Record Id: b84a05f4-9f38-4ced-adba-fa10b2906306
Occurrence ID (GUID):