Carex woodii Dewey
Family: Cyperaceae
Cochrane, Theodore S.; Cochrane, Barbara A. 7978
Date: 1977-06-19
Verbatim Date: 1977-06-19
United States, Wisconsin, Washington, North unit of Kewaskum Woods, ca 1 mi. SE of Kewaskum, just E of Milwaukee River
43.51007934 -88.20601847 +-569m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T12N R19E sec15 NE4;
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
25-acre southern mesic hardwood forest on relatively flat and generally low ground, but still on undulating morainal topography, with kettle depressions and low areas holding water part of the year. This tract contains especially large trees: Quercus borealis (30-42 in. dbh.), Q. alba (22-26 in. dbh.), Acer saccharum (20-27 in. dbh.), and Prunus serotina (16-20 in.).
Record Id: 4bb4a7d9-be3e-4f23-8602-140b7a6f70be
Occurrence ID (GUID):