Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv.
Family: Poaceae
Determiner: Ali & Gould (1967)
Neess, John C. 705
Date: 1942-07-24
Verbatim Date: 1942-07-24
United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Whitefish Bay
Culms stout, branched at base, slightly or tending to be decumbant at base for several inches before ascending. All sheaths and leaves glabrous. Leaves long, broad 28-36 cm long; 1./-2.2 cm wide, and in most cases, margined with dark purple.Inflorescense in racemose panicles. Spikelets crowded on lower side of racemes which are arranged in loose panicles 15-22 racemes. Joints of raceme and main culum hirsute. [Collector added by editor - based on other specimens with this type of label.]
Record Id: 8e8e9c64-d776-4cd2-8295-80c32807f230
Occurrence ID (GUID):