University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0214327WIS
Taxon: Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P.Beauv.
Family: Poaceae
Determiner: Cochrane, Theodore S. (06Feb2001)
Collector: Goff, F. Glenn   s.n.   
Date: 1964-07-15
Verbatim Date: 1964-07-15
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Menominee, Kinepoway Red Oak Stand # 25
44.9990719  -88.6703012 +-285m.
Verbatim Coordinates: T29N R15E sec15 NW4NW4;
Georeference Remarks: Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Habitat: Red oak even-aged about 60 yrs old. Fire scattered more recently. Open canopy. Valders silt loam. Basal area: 15770 sq. in/acre. Density: 232 trees/acre. Average D.B.H.:9.3 inches. Continuum index: 70.7.
Record Id: c20e22aa-c713-4f3d-ab53-390ab8986618
Occurrence ID (GUID): ea58080d-0c7a-4f37-b080-0b5bd1efb508
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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