University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0208174WIS
Taxon: Berberis thunbergii DC.
Family: Berberidaceae
Collector: Judziewicz, Emmet J.   13185   
Date: 1998-06-04
Verbatim Date: 1998-06-04
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Door, Washington Island, Coffee Swamp
45.40505273  -86.87157383 +-285m.
Verbatim Coordinates: T34N R30E sec29 NE4NE4;
Georeference Remarks: Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Habitat: Mixed cedar - black ash swamp. Rare.
Record Id: 4f9d6c89-4890-4455-ad07-68ed8132ac1a
Occurrence ID (GUID): 5aa2f7d4-91b6-4159-800e-b79054795b13
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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