University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0195043WIS
Taxon: Cyperus odoratus L.
Family: Cyperaceae
Determiner: Cochrane, Theodore S. (25Nov1996)
Collector: Cochrane, Theodore S.   13190   
Date: 1993-09-30
Verbatim Date: 1993-09-30
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Oregon. N shore of Lake Barney, S side of CTH M, 2 mi due NW of Oregon, 9 mi due S of Madison
42.95411362  -89.41251179 +-569m.
Verbatim Coordinates: T06N R09E sec34 NE4;
Georeference Remarks: Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Habitat: Highly disturbed, grass muddy ground, actively and heavily grazed by a herd of horses. Assoc.: Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Bidens cernua, Polygonum hydropiper, Echinochloa crusgalli, Eleocharis engalmannii. Rare.
Record Id: 1530871d-f147-4ced-9cd4-39b8712fcde1
Occurrence ID (GUID): 6ed35c52-cd0f-4540-a489-e7fcd365b954
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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