Piptatherum racemosum (Sm.) Eaton
Family: Poaceae
Determiner: Cochrane, Theodore S. (2012-10-01)
Alverson, William S. DOB0768
Date: 2011-10-13
Verbatim Date: 2011-10-13
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ca. 100 m E of CTH W, 150 m N of creek (Dodge Branch of the Pecatonica River?), and 400 m N of Jonesdale (specifically, the intersection of CTH W with Birch Lake Road (to W, called Ley Road to E)
42.9033611 -90.01405
Verbatim Coordinates:
42° 54' 12.10" N, 90° 0' 50.58" W
Rich woods on slope at base of S-facing rock outcrop.
Occurrence Remarks:
Scattered in soil among rocks. Site of collection of Ranunculus hispidus by Briony Foy and Randy Teige (no. 22) in April 1976 (specimen in teaching herbarium at WIS).
Record Id: e7b65886-06d0-41e1-a42b-f0abbbf01d5c
Occurrence ID (GUID):