University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0168879WIS
Taxon: Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Á. Löve & D. Löve
Family: Cyperaceae
Determiner: Smith, S. Galen (1996)
Collector: Cochrane, Theodore S.; Tans, William E., Cochrane, Barbara A.   7620   
Date: 1976-07-23
Verbatim Date: 1976-07-23
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Waukesha, Eagle. Ottawa Lake. Southern Unit of Kettle Moraine St. For. Scientific Area, 4.5 mi (by air) N of Eagle.
42.94313838  -88.480924 +-285m.
Verbatim Coordinates: T06N R17E sec34 NW4NW4;
Georeference Remarks: Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Habitat: Abundant. (Scirpus validus present between the two lakes to the south). Gorgeous, extensive wet fen on deep marl w/ marginal shrub swamps adjoining lake on all sides, the latter a 2-lake + streams complex remnant in an old glacial lake basin. Lake itself = 20 acres, w/ pH 7.8 & total alkalinity (ppm CaCo3) 265. Middle of three poorly marked zones resulting from increasing water depth (between outer, relatively dry, Scirpus americanus-dominated zone and inner, wettest Typha latifolia-dominated lakeshore wet marsh), with Scirpus acutus dominant in aspect but Eleocharis rostellata dominant in number of plants, with Cladium mariscoides, Lysimachia terrestris, Rhynchospora capillacea, Lycopus uniflorus, Pedicularis lanceolata, [see label]
Record Id: 9ebd34dc-6021-4339-b74b-8d3961e58a73
Occurrence ID (GUID): 52ecd984-fb0b-4f29-b7ab-ce674a49daf7
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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