Penthorum sedoides L.
Family: Penthoraceae
Cochrane, Barbara A.; Cochrane, Theodore S. 7457
Date: 1974-08-06
Verbatim Date: 1974-08-06
United States, Wisconsin, Shawano, Navarino Wildlife Area, W. side of Lessor-Navaro Rd., S. of Cedar Rd. Campanula Population 2.
44.65049308 -88.48952664 +-569m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T25N R16E sec12 SE4;
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Bottom of dug drainage ditch through Carex lacustris (dominant), Onoclea sensibilis wet meadow, the latter an opening in an Alnus rugosa swamp. Slight bit of silt over sand bottom; standing water 9 cm deep; assoc.: Triadenum fraseri, Sium suave, Ludwigia palustris, L. polycarpa, Penthorum sedoides, Veronica anagallis-aquatica, Ranunculus pensylvanicus. Locally abundant.
Record Id: 78b716bf-0d76-4f08-8525-9536853ef661
Occurrence ID (GUID):