University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0158061WIS
Taxon: Galium labradoricum (Wiegand) Wiegand
Family: Rubiaceae
Collector: Cochrane, Theodore S.; Carpenter, Quentin J.   12803   
Date: 1992-08-25
Verbatim Date: 1992-08-25
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Dane, Madison. Lake Waubesa Fen, at Big Spring between Swan Creek and Murphy's Creek, SW corner of Lake Waubesa, ca. 3000ft. E of Lalor Rd., 5mi. NNE of Oregon, 5mi. due S of Capitol in Mad.
42.99341225  -89.35179924 +-569m.
Verbatim Coordinates: T06N R10E sec07 SE4;
Georeference Remarks: Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Elevation: 258 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 846 ft
Habitat: Many of the herbs and grasses (and shrubs) unusually dwarfed, as can be characteristic of plants in high-carbonate fens. Sedge-dominated meadow-like (calcareous) fen, section between sedge meadow and shrubb carr, with Carex sterilis, C. prairea, Chelone glabra, Cicuta bulbifera, Epilobium leptophyllum, Eupatorium maculatum, E. perfoliatum, Galium labradoricum, Lobelia kalmii, Lycopus uniflorus, Lysimachia quadroflora, Pycnanthemum virginianum, Rudbeckia hirta, Salix discolor.
Record Id: ecd0863f-5a40-4071-aa28-4a579a9d4b38
Occurrence ID (GUID): d7c47491-812e-45e6-8faa-e846310ed3d0
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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