Galium boreale L.
Family: Rubiaceae
Cochrane, Theodore S.; Carpenter, Quentin J. 12883
Date: 1992-10-12
Verbatim Date: 1992-10-12
United States, Wisconsin, Washington, Slinger. Southeast of Aurora Rd. between (E of) Soo Line RR. and (W of) U.S. Hwy. 41, 4 mi. NNW of Slinger, 6 mi. (airline distance) NE of Hartford.
43.38226363 -88.30830037 +-285m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T11N R18E sec35 NW4NE4;
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Part of gorgeous, undisturbed 13-acre fen, meadow near center. Carex stricta dominant-Calamagrostis canadensis subdominant, Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens, Muhlenbergia glomerata (as big as I've ever seen it), Typha angustifolia (abundant), T. latifolia (sparse), T. Xgodron (rare), Schoenoplectus acutus, Salix eriocephala, Parnassia glauca, Cornus stolonifera, Pedicularis lanceolata, Galium boreale, Rudbeckia hirta, Solidago patula var. patula, and S. uliginosa. The Galium boreale was more abundant than I've ever seen it (32% to even 64% cover in quadrats). Mid-morning soil temperature : 11.5 C at both 20 cm and 1 m deep.
Record Id: d4313f70-5b14-441b-82a5-cc4cb66669db
Occurrence ID (GUID):