Taxon:Salix x rubens Schrank (pro sp.) Family: Salicaceae
Determiner: Zaborsky, J.G. (4/2023)
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Nee, M. 20364
Date: 1981-04-17
Verbatim Date: April 17, 1981
United States, Wisconsin, Jefferson, Along Bark River at Bark River Park, just above the confluence with the Rock River. On the SE side of Fort Atkinson.
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Disturbed lowland along lagoon and river. With Salix, spp., Ulmus americana, Acer negundo, A. saccharinum, Populus deltoides, Fraxinus pensylvanica.
Occurrence Remarks:
Tree 10 m tall, 80 cm dbh. Twigs very brittle at base.