Carya cordiformis (Wangenh.) K.Koch
Family: Juglandaceae
Heidel, David; Krause, Gerald 659
Date: 1968-06-05
Verbatim Date: 1968-06-05
United States, Wisconsin, Sheboygan, Random Lake. 4 mi. NW of Random Lake.
43.59173094 -88.00848741 +-285m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T13N R21E sec17 NW4SE4;
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Woods located on a N slope on silt loam soil. A). Beech-sugar maple woods with Tilia, Ulmus, Ostrya, Carpinus, and Quercus sp. A rich understory. b). Ostrya virginiana and Ulmus species woods associated with above [A.]. The understory is much the same except grassesand sedges are present here. [Specimen sheet has attached pollen slide]
Record Id: d7dfa961-88cc-4b9c-8772-2c24492c8464
Occurrence ID (GUID):