Aster hesperius A.Gray
Family: Asteraceae
Determiner: Jones, Almut G. (1980)
Cochrane, Theodore S.; Cochrane, Barbara A. 7186
Date: 1975-08-02
Verbatim Date: 1975-08-02
United States, Wisconsin, Adams, S-side Hwy 21, 4.4mi. E Hwy 13.near Campanula - population 25
44.02176285 -89.72268557 +-569m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T18N R06E sec24 NE4;
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Wet prairie (acc. to prevalent spp.) - sedge meadow (acc. to dominance by Carex lasiocarpa) w/ low hummocks on black loamy sand mucky in places. (Aster hesperius, A. simplex var. ramosissimus): These two species are here freeely intermingled, occuring in light shade of scattered invading jack pines, and suffering deer browse damage. The A. simplex population seems to be rather more uniform than that of A. hesperius. Both [spp.] being occasional. Mass Collection.
Record Id: ef983f93-ae11-4f08-bfbc-a218c70f33ce
Occurrence ID (GUID):