University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0030925WIS
Taxon: Packera aurea (L.) A.Löve & D.Löve
Family: Asteraceae
Determiner: Kowal, Robert R. (July 1991)
Collector: Iltis, Hugh H.   12841   
Date: 1959-06-14
Verbatim Date: 1959-06-14
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Brule River at Wisc. 139 bridge
45.98525503  -88.65305519 +-1138m.
Verbatim Coordinates: T41N R15E sec32
Georeference Remarks: Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
Habitat: Abies balsamea-Thuja occidentalis-Picea glauca thickets and cutover woods on S shore of river.
Occurrence Remarks: Sheet 3 of 3.
Record Id: 5c1350e4-ab39-412b-863d-de829e56b158
Occurrence ID (GUID): af9ec88d-a548-420d-95cf-b85479aacc1d
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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