University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0299965WIS
Taxon: Poa saltuensis Fernald & Wiegand
Family: Poaceae
Collector: Cochrane, Theodore S.; Cochrane, Barbara A.   12704   
Date: 1992-06-30
Verbatim Date: 1992-06-30
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Sawyer, Uhrenholdt Memorial State Forest, North Unit, in the Namekagon Valley on E edge of Village of Seeley, between (7 mi. SW of) Cable & (9 mi. NE of) Hayward.
46.122249  -91.357247 +-285m.
Verbatim Coordinates: 46.122249° N, 91.357247° W; T42N R08W sec15 SE4NW4;
Habitat: Outwash plain (Pence Sandy Loam). Northern dry-mesic forest, major dominants magnificent 80-100-year-old Pinus strobus & P. resinosa trees, importance values of other trees low (Acer rubrum, Quercus rubra, Betula papyrifera); shrub content high & herbs diverse but Ericac. & Orchidac. under-represented: Lycopodium lucidulum, L. clavatum, L. obscurum var. isophyllum, Athyrium angustum, Brachyelytrum erectum var. septentrionale, Poa saltuensis, Schizachne purpurascens, Anemone quinquefolia, Thalictrum dioicum, Polygonatum pubescens, Osmorhiza claytonii, Mitchella repens, Linnaea b. 12704 Assoc.: Amelanchier sp., Aralia nudicaulis, Carex arctata, Diervilla lonicera, Cornus canadensis, Galium triflorum, Luzula acuminata, Osmorhiza claytonii, Polygonatum pubescens, Pteridium aquilinum, saplings & seedlings of Betula papyrifera, Acer rubrum, & Abies balsamea.
Record Id: 45429cd8-9614-417e-9ae5-578b647b7c43
Occurrence ID (GUID): 63df4a4e-4cc3-4f3d-b6ed-e222a1efb39f
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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