University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0262569WIS
Taxon: Fraxinus nigra Marshall
Family: Oleaceae
Collector: Cochrane, Theodore S.; Sulman, Joshua D.   15315   
Date: 2011-06-02
Verbatim Date: 2011-06-02
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Crawford, Oak Coulee Woods SNA (John & Nancy Dieklemann property), 61410 DuCharme Ridge Rd., 0.8 mi. N of rd., 3.5 mi. (airline) W of Eastman, 8.5 mi. (airline) NNE of Prairie du Chien. Ravine just above (0.1 mi. S of) where it enters Sioux DuCharme Creek.
43.16531  -91.0958
Verbatim Coordinates: 43.16531° N, 91.0958° W; T08N R06W sec16 NW4SE4SW4;
Elevation: 305 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 1000 ft.
Habitat: Fairly steep, E-facing, wooded slope; overstory of Acer saccharum & Quercus rubra; assoc.: Carex laxiculmis (11, 12, or 13 clumps), Galium aparine, Hydrophyllum virginianum, Osmorhiza claytonii, Sanicula sp., Smilax ecirrhata, & Uvularia grandiflora.
Occurrence Remarks: Understory shrub, mostly 8--9 dm tall; all deer-browsed. Locally common. Upland site, unexpected for this, normally a swamp species. NW corner of NW forty, above large N-S-lying ravine just above where it enters creek. Sheet 1 of 2.
Record Id: e31f6d93-6869-4e91-8961-f9f213f0db89
Occurrence ID (GUID): aaa0b225-48ef-4f74-961a-28cc95d11728
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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