Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium, UW-Steven's Point
Catalog #: UWSP126586
Taxon: Utricularia cornuta Michx.
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Collector: R.W. Freckmann   27363   
Date: 1994-07-08
Verbatim Date: 1994-7-8
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Florence, Nicolet National Forest. S of FSR 2161, 0.1 mi E of FSR 2398. N side of Jaquet Lake
45.789403  -88.62186307  43829
Verbatim Coordinates: T38N R15E sec09
Habitat: Sphagnum bog at edge of small lake with scattered tamarack and black spruce. In shallow water.
Record Id: e5d7741d-4fc8-424e-aa89-b4004b049bff
Occurrence ID (GUID): b0c3e5bc-f95b-11e2-9dec-002590257708
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Stephanie Lyon (Stephanie.Lyon@uwsp.edu)
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