Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium, UW-Steven's Point
Catalog #: UWSP073009
Taxon: Dulichium arundinaceum var. arundinaceum (L.) Britton
Family: Cyperaceae
Collector: Mooney, Laurie J.   s.n.   
Date: 1978-09-09
Verbatim Date: 1978-9-9
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Marathon, Bass Lake, E off CTH Y on Esker Rd.
44.86348504  -89.31540391  36638
Verbatim Coordinates: T28N R10E sec32
Habitat: A very soft water seepage lake with slight alkalinity. pH 7.4 MPA 5. Water temp. 63 degrees. Max depth of collection - 4 ft., Visibility - 10ft. Bottom type 65% muck, 19% sand with rubble and boulders. Solid bottom. Amount of submergent, emergent, and floating leaf communities - moderate.
Record Id: 9952573f-a80b-40d7-93ca-97719add8ad6
Occurrence ID (GUID): af9ae91a-f95b-11e2-9dec-002590257708
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Stephanie Lyon (Stephanie.Lyon@uwsp.edu)
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