Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium, UW-Steven's Point
Catalog #: UWSP091879
Taxon: Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small
Family: Polygonaceae
Determiner: Braun, Sarah (2004-01-01)
Collector: A.L. Bogdansky   s.n.   
Date: 1983-09-01
Verbatim Date: 1983-9-1
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Wood, N/A
44.29979144  -90.09085065
Verbatim Coordinates: 44.2997914° N, 90.0908506° W; T21N R03E sec13
Habitat: Wooded sand bars and back water pools.
Occurrence Remarks: [UWSP091879, UWSP091935 & UWSP091939 apparently part of the same collection: - collection data identical].
Record Id: 60473627-414b-4c41-bcdc-a1ab53ab5543
Occurrence ID (GUID): 8ebc95be-8de5-45f9-8717-af8e0f5de6d0
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Stephanie Lyon (Stephanie.Lyon@uwsp.edu)
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