Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium, UW-Steven's Point
Catalog #: UWSP095999
Taxon: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Family: Urticaceae
Collector: A.L. Bogdansky; R.W. Freckmann   20957   
Date: 1985-06-18
Verbatim Date: 1985-6-18
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Marathon, N/A
44.8334243  -89.95265255  39306
Verbatim Coordinates: T27N R05E sec07
Habitat: Mesic woods of sugar maple, basswood, red oak, red maple, elm, etc. Woods logged to moderate extent several years previously, with dense understory of sedge and woodland nettle.
Record Id: de83fe0a-7332-46b4-8cea-6f31cf3de19f
Occurrence ID (GUID): 50b33db7-b267-454d-8f08-b88ee623e53f
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Stephanie Lyon (Stephanie.Lyon@uwsp.edu)
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