Sparganium emersum Rehmann
Family: Typhaceae
Berg, Matthew S. 2008-257
Date: 2008-07-28
Verbatim Date: 2008-7-28
United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Minong Flowage [Washburn Co. - original in error based on Lat./Long.]
46.17298 -91.92231
Verbatim Coordinates:
46.17298° N, 91.92231° W; T43N R12W sec30
Uncommon but widely distributed over muck in water <1m. Common assoc.: Utricularia vulgaris) common bladderwort, (Brasenia schreberi) watershield, (Utricularia intermedia) flat-leaf bladderwort, (Nymphaea odorata) white water lily.
Occurrence Remarks:
The distinct fan shape leaves made for easy identification. ID based on Crowe & Hellquist.Other authors consider this taxon synonymous with S. chlorocarpum. It has many fewer leaves (erect & floating) but may be aquatic growth habit of S. chlorocarpum.
Record Id: 4fd94f8d-6608-402b-9be3-8c03dc9f40f3
Occurrence ID (GUID):