University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0419206WIS
Taxon: Ribes triste Pall.
Family: Grossulariaceae
Determiner: Theodore S. Cochrane (2011-10-04)
Collector: Robert W. Wernerehl; Kathyrn Gerndt   NWCA11-2732.2-04   
Date: 2011-07-27
Verbatim Date: 2011-07-27
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Douglas
46.43468  -92.1011
Habitat: Wet Black Ash swamp- deep water- very dense shrub layer of Alder and Ilex verticillata
Occurrence Remarks: Trailing- Generally without fruit, but some with bright red-glabrous fruit. Sparse.
Record Id: dee38d6a-9f9e-459a-808e-773e93ff7f0d
Occurrence ID (GUID): e54af17e-fb27-4e0c-8b7f-c4522cbdedd4
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
Base Layer
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