University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0423409WIS
Taxon: Juncus canadensis J.Gay
Family: Juncaceae
Determiner: Theodore Cochrane (2021-08-27)
Collector: James P. Riser II; Theodore S. Cochrane, Brandon D. Corder, Amanda K. Weise, Jeanne LaBore   1397   
Date: 2021-08-13
Verbatim Date: 2021-8-13
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Jackson, Brockway Ponds State Natural Area (#635), along unnamed vehicle lane S off of Funmaker Rd., 0.6 mi. (airline) S of Wis. St. Hwy. 54, between (1.1 m. E of) N. Brockway Rd. & (1.9 mi. W of) Wildcat Rd., 6.7 mi. (airline) ENE of center of City of Black River Falls.
44.326656  -90.718869
Verbatim Elevation: 278
Habitat: Margin of pond grading into Sphagnum swamp, presently flooded (water level naturally fluctuating), in shallow basin embedded w/in a mosaic primarily of barrens cover types on the extensive, flat, sandy Central Plain.; Sand.
Associated Species: Dulichium arundinaceum dominant, other graminoids predominant: Cladium mariscoides, Eleocharis erythropoda, Juncus marginatus, Sporobolus michauxianus
Occurrence Remarks: Collected as part of the Third Annual Wisconsin Botanical Foray.; Predominant.
Record Id: d70b6a87-8369-4e07-ac75-463ea55f7794
Occurrence ID (GUID): f283e212-e83c-4945-ae57-70efb2662e20
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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