Salix petiolaris Sm.
Family: Salicaceae
Determiner: Nee, M. (2020)
Nee, M.H. 65815
Date: 2020-06-23
Verbatim Date: 23 June 2020
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, 2.5 km E of center of Tomahawk, on S side of Hwy. 86 and W side of Kaphaem Road
45.470556 -89.699167
Verbatim Coordinates:
45° 28' 14" N 89° 41' 57" W; TRS: T35N R06E sec 35 SW4SE4
445 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
445 m
Marsh with Spiraea alba, S. tomentosa, Alnus incana ssp. rugosa, Carex ssp., Larix laricina, Aronia melanocarpa, Salix pedicellaris, S. petiolaris, but without Sphagnum.
Occurrence Remarks:
Voucher for wood specimens at Kw, Lw, MADw, MEXUw, RSAw.; Shrub 3 m. tall, a clump of 6 stems, these the largest they get, 1.8 cm. in diameter, 6 year old. Leave glaucous beneath. A very few old pistillate inflorescences persisting.
Record Id: af451fdc-dbf0-4911-9eb7-b0fcd9ad8865
Occurrence ID (GUID):