Morus alba L.
Family: Moraceae
Determiner: Nee, M. (2016)
Nee, M.H. 62909
Date: 2016-05-11
Verbatim Date: 11 May 2016
United States, Wisconsin, Richland, 3.8 km E of Gotham along Hwy. J, Button Bluff, NE of Button Cemetery
43.218889 -90.244444
Verbatim Coordinates:
43°13'08"N 90°14'40"W TRS: T09N R02E sec 34 NE4NW4
230 meters
Verbatim Elevation:
230 m
Base of S-facing Wisconsin River vally bluff, woods which had invaded former pasture, with Prunus serotina, Juniperus virginiana, Ulmus pumila, Morus alba, Juglans cinerea.
Occurrence Remarks:
Voucher for wood specimens at Kw, Lw, MADw, MEXUw, RSAw, USZw, Penn State. Wood specimen from 5 m. above the ground from straight main trunk.; Large tree 50 cm. in diameter, bark furrowed; exposed roots bright yellow. Sapwood 3-4 rings thick, pale; heartwood yellow-tan, the cut surface turning a rich reddish brown, but this only superficial and the dried wood still light yellow. Staminate; catkins abundant, on all twigs.
Record Id: 89e455f9-76f5-431c-a17c-826005000dab
Occurrence ID (GUID):