University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0390798WIS
Taxon: Cinna arundinacea L.
Family: Poaceae
Collector: John G. Zaborsky   2130   
Date: 2019-08-23
Verbatim Date: 08/23/2019
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Outagamie, New London, Mosquito Hill Nature Center
44.377981  -88.705465
Habitat: Large tract of lowland forest along the Wolf River dominated by silver maple with swamp white oak and green ash
Occurrence Remarks: Voucher for Checklist of Mosquito Hill Nature Center; Understory very rich with Lobelia cardinalis, Cinna arundinacea, Ranunculus flabellaris, Ilex verticillata, Leersia oryzoides (abundant in light gaps), Sium suave, Laportea, Urtica, Boehmeria, Solanum dulcamara, Onoclea, Leersia virginica, Elymus virginicus, Cephalanthus
Record Id: 38e1365c-3e1b-4723-b994-b49e25764ab8
Occurrence ID (GUID): fffa5bf2-ee10-4216-b9c5-e8353863c590
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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