University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0324881WIS
Taxon: cf. Viola cucullata Aiton
Family: Violaceae
Determiner: Cochrane, T. S. (2013-05-13)
Collector: Shackelford, Gary   s.n.   
Date: 2013-05-13
Verbatim Date: 2013-05-13
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Rock, City of Milton: "Fair Meadows." Gary and Penny Shackelford property at 11305 Vogel Rd., 0.8 mi. N of CTH N between (E of) WI Hwy 59 & (1 mi. W of) WI Hwy 26, 3.6 mi. (airline) ENE of Newville
Verbatim Coordinates: T04N R13E sec03
Habitat: Boggy edge of a woodland pond; assoc.: Saxifraga pensylvanica, Viola macloskeyi subsp. pallens, and various mosses and wetland sedges.
Occurrence Remarks: Photo only! Probably Viola cucullata Aiton X V. Sororia Willd. H. E. Ballard, Jr., May 13, 2013 (BHO): Not typical Viola cucullata--too many long, scarcely clavate hairs! Viola, possible hybrid involving V. cuculatta. T. S. Cochrane, May 13, 2013 (WIS): Close to V. cucullata, but beard hairs long and dense, barely knobbed when fresh.
Record Id: e926dcac-1470-4beb-8e42-370244fff2a7
Occurrence ID (GUID): 42671884-4201-4799-b29c-b1d53fb15872
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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