MOR : BRAHMS_55226
Morton Arboretum
Catalog #: 0054071MOR
Secondary Catalog #: 167749
Taxon: Salix myricoides Muhl.
Family: Salicaceae
Collector: Rericha, L; Wilhelm, G   3731   
Date: 2009-07-20
Verbatim Date: 7/20/2009
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Walworth, Whitewater, west of Highway P, along Bluff Creek.
Habitat: Fen along a creek
Associated Species: Carex stricta Lam.; Eupatorium maculatum L.; Lycopus americanus Muhl.; Oxypolis rigidior L. Raf.; Pycnanthemum virginianum (L.) T.Durand & B.D.Jacks.; Salix discolor Muhl.; Solidago gigantea Aiton; Thelypteris palustris Schott; Typha x glauca Godr.; Aster firmus
Reproductive Condition: Flower: N Fruit: N Vegetation: Y Bud: N
Record Id: 4b1db605-600b-404e-989b-2ed300eb6179
Occurrence ID (GUID): d00bfb93-6879-4d32-8154-cc67d9d2b973
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Andrew Hipp (
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