University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Catalog #: UWM0013064
Secondary Catalog #: 25850
Taxon: Polygonum monspeliense Pers.
Family: Polygonaceae
Determiner: J.F. Brenckle (Unknown)
Collector: L.H. Shinners   822   
Date: 1939-08-04
Verbatim Date: Aug. 4, 1939
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee, N of Riverside Pumping Station, Milwaukee
43.068859  -87.893771 +-1209m.  WGS84
Georeference Remarks: mapped to Riverside Park area
Habitat: open; bare dry clay soil
Occurrence Remarks: prostrate, with long branches; occasionally as much as a yard across
Record Id: 0b57264b-d3ee-4fa7-a0f3-82ac6e399f75
Occurrence ID (GUID): urn:uuid:b9d3cd39-48f4-454b-81b4-3f6729b2227f
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Sara Hoot (hoot@uwm.edu)
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