University of Wisconsin - Madison
Catalog #: v0341779WIS
Taxon: Tragopogon dubius Scop.
Family: Asteraceae
Collector: Phillippe, Loy R.; La Bore, Jeanne, Feist, Mary Ann, Molano-Flores, Brenda, Hlina, Paul, Kent, Paige, Marcum, Paul B., Mengelkoch, Jean   44016   
Date: 2016-06-21
Verbatim Date: 2016-06-21
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Douglas, Brule River State Forest. East side of Brule River, west of Route 27 and north of Road S at the N Country National Scenic Trail, north of Town Hall Road.
46.42942  -91.66624  WGS84/NAD83
Verbatim Coordinates: 46.42942° N, 91.66624° W; T46N R10W sec31
Elevation: 356 meters
Verbatim Elevation: 1168 ft
Habitat: Pine Barrens. Pinus banksiana and Quercus dominant with Amelanchier sanguinea, Populus tremuloides, Quercus ellipsiodalis, Q. macrocarpa, Q. rubra, Amelanchier, Comptonia peregrina, Salix humilis, Vaccinium angustifolium, Andropogon gerardii, Carex pensylvanica, Monarda fistulosa, Poa pratensis, Schizachne purpurascens, etc. Growing in swale in open prairie beneath and around Salix humilis.
Occurrence Remarks: Abundant here, perennial herb with yellow petals. Quadrangle Name: Lake Minnesuing
Record Id: 1bbb71b3-de03-4d08-a439-8bb6f5108760
Occurrence ID (GUID): 247bd164-cc3c-4ed6-9f37-e1d81a0d37a1
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Mary Ann Feist (mfeist@wisc.edu)
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