University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Catalog #: UWM0010740
Secondary Catalog #: 58027
Taxon: Carex cumulata (L. H. Bailey) Mack.
Family: Cyperaceae
Determiner: J.H. Zimmerman (1974-11-24)
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Collector: S.H. Sohmer   2865   
Date: 1968-08-06
Verbatim Date: August 6, 1968
Locality: United States, Wisconsin, Monroe, 1.5 miles W of Camp McCoy on Hwy 21; mostly around the La Crosse River Public fishing area.
43.992711  -90.733951 +-2107m.  WGS84
Habitat: Woods; sandy soil
Occurrence Remarks: Examined for WIS Rare Spp. List 1978.
Record Id: 9d36f7d9-3f08-49f9-a3de-5a63bf665b2a
Occurrence ID (GUID): urn:uuid:cf7749bb-002c-46b0-b5aa-99ba012397e7
For additional information on this occurrence, please contact: Sara Hoot (hoot@uwm.edu)
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