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Families: 137

Genera: 637

Species: 1637

Total Taxa: 1854 (including subsp. and var.)

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Agastache sp. - Giant-Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum (Pursh) Kuntze - lavender giant hyssop
Agastache nepetoides (L.) Kuntze - yellow giant hyssop
Ajuga reptans L. - common bugle
Blephilia hirsuta - hairy wood mint
Chaiturus marrubiastrum (L.) Rchb. - horehound motherwort
Dracocephalum parviflorum Nutt. - American dragonhead
Galeopsis tetrahit L. - hemp-nettle
Hedeoma hispida Pursh - rough pennyroyal
Hedeoma pulegioides (L.) Pers. - American pennyroyal
Lamium purpureum L. - red dead-nettle
Lycopus uniflorus Michx. - northern water-horehound
Mentha spicata L. - spearmint
Monarda didyma L. - scarlet bee balm
Monarda fistulosa - wild bergamot
Ocimum basilicum L. - sweet basil
Origanum vulgare L. - wild-marjoram
Pycnanthemum sp. Michx. - Mountain-Mint
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrad. - slender mountain mint
Salvia nemorosa L. - woodland sage
Salvia reflexa Hornem. - Rocky Mountain sage
Satureja hortensis L. - summer savory
Scutellaria lateriflora L. - mad-dog skullcap
Scutellaria ovata subsp. ovata - heart-leaved skullcap
Stachys arenicola Britton - marsh hedge-nettle
Stachys tenuifolia - smooth hedge-nettle
Utricularia geminiscapa Benj. - twin-stemmed bladderwort
Utricularia gibba L. - humped bladderwort
Utricularia intermedia Hayne - northern bladderwort
Utricularia minor L. - small bladderwort
Utricularia vulgaris L. - great bladderwort
Erythronium sp. - Fawn-Lily
Erythronium albidum Nutt. - white trout-lily
Lilium michiganense Farw. - Turk's-cap lily
Linum perenne L. - wild blue flax
Linum sulcatum Riddell - grooved yellow flax
Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell - moist bank pimpernel
Lindernia dubia var. dubia - yellow-seed false pimpernel
Diphasiastrum complanatum (L.) Holub - northern running-pine
Lycopodium clavatum L. - staghorn club-moss
Ammannia robusta Heer & Regel - sessile tooth-cup
Lythrum salicaria L. - spiked loosestrife
Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne - wheel-wort tooth-cup
Alcea rosea L. - hollyhock
Gossypium hirsutum - upland cotton
Hibiscus trionum L. - flower-of-an-hour
Malva sp. - Mallow
Malva moschata L. - musk mallow
Malva neglecta Wallr. - common mallow
Malva pusilla Sm. - low mallow
Malva sylvestris L. - high mallow
Napaea dioica L. - glade mallow
Trillium erectum L. - stinking-Benjamin
Trillium flexipes Raf. - nodding wake-robin
Rhexia virginica L. - wing-stem meadow-pitchers
Menispermum canadense L. - common moonseed
Menyanthes trifoliata L. - common buckbean
Mollugo verticillata L. - Indian chickweed
Claytonia virginica L. - Virginia spring-beauty
Morus alba L. - white mulberry
Morus rubra L. - red mulberry
Aletris farinosa L. - white stargrass
Nelumbo lutea Willd. - water-chinquapin
Nuphar sp. - Yellow Water-Lily
Nuphar variegata Durand - bull-head pond-lily
Nymphaea odorata Aiton - fragrant water-lily
Ligustrum vulgare L. - European privet
Syringa vulgaris L. - common lilac
Syringa X persica L. - Persian lilac
Circaea alpina subsp. alpina - small enchanter's-nightshade
Circaea canadensis (L.) Hill - broad-leaf enchanter's-nightshade
Circaea canadensis subsp. canadensis (L.) Hill - broad-leaf enchanter's-nightshade
Epilobium coloratum Biehler - eastern willow-herb
Epilobium leptophyllum Raf. - fen willow-herb
Epilobium strictum Muhl. ex Spreng. - northeastern willow-herb
Ludwigia polycarpa Short & R.Peter - top-pod water-primrose
Oenothera biennis L. - common evening-primrose
Oenothera glazioviana Micheli - red-sepal evening-primrose
Oenothera parviflora L. - small-flowered evening-primrose
Oenothera perennis L. - small sundrops
Oenothera villosa subsp. villosa - hairy evening-primrose
Botrychium simplex E.Hitchc. - small grape fern
Ophioglossum pusillum Raf. - northern adder's-tongue
Sceptridium dissectum (Spreng.) Lyon - lace-frond grape fern
Corallorhiza odontorhiza - small-flowered coralroot
Cypripedium acaule Aiton - small pink lady's-slipper
Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. - yellow lady's-slipper
Cypripedium reginae Walter - showy lady's-slipper
Cypripedium x andrewsii A.M.Fuller - Andrews' lady's-slipper
Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R.Br. - downy rattlesnake-plantain
Goodyera repens (L.) R.Br. - lesser rattlesnake-plantain
Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. - Loesel's twayblade
Platanthera clavellata (Michx.) Luer - small green fringed orchid
Platanthera flava - tubercled orchid
Platanthera huronensis (Nutt.) Lindl. - tall nothern bog orchid
Platanthera lacera (Michx.) G.Don - ragged fringed orchid
Platanthera psycodes (L.) Lindl. - lesser purple fringed orchid
Spiranthes casei var. casei - Case's lady's-tresses
Spiranthes cernua (L.) Rich. - nodding lady's-tresses
Spiranthes lacera var. lacera - northern slender lady's-tresses
Spiranthes magnicamporum Sheviak - Great Plains lady's-tresses
Agalinis gattingeri (Small) Small - round-stemmed false foxglove
Agalinis paupercula (A.Gray) Britton - smooth false foxglove
Agalinis tenuifolia (Vahl) Raf. - common false foxglove
Aureolaria grandiflora var. pulchra Pennell - large-flowered yellow false foxglove
Aureolaria pedicularia (L.) Raf. - clammy false foxglove
Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng. - scarlet painted-cup
Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh - downy painted-cup
Orobanche uniflora L. - one-flowered broom-rape
Osmunda cinnamomea L. - cinnamon fern
Osmunda claytoniana L. - interrupted fern
Oxalis corniculata L. - creeping yellow wood-sorrel
Oxalis dillenii Jacq. - southern yellow wood-sorrel
Oxalis stricta L. - tall wood-sorrel
Oxalis violacea L. - violet wood-sorrel
Chelidonium majus L. - greater celandine
Corydalis micrantha subsp. micrantha - small-flowered corydalis
Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh. - Dutchman's-breeches
Papaver rhoeas L. - Shirley's poppy
Penthorum sedoides L. - ditch stonecrop
Mimulus glabratus - round-leaved monkey-flower
Phryma leptostachya L. - American lop-seed
Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. - Indian pokeweed
Pinus strobus L. - eastern white pine
Antirrhinum majus L. - garden snapdragon
Callitriche heterophylla Pursh - large water-starwort
Callitriche palustris L. - vernal water-starwort
Chelone glabra L. - white turtlehead
Digitalis lanata Ehrh. - Grecian foxglove
Gratiola neglecta Torr. - clammy hedge-hyssop
Hippuris vulgaris L. - mare's tail
Linaria dalmatica (L.) Mill. - Dalmatian toadflax
Linaria vulgaris Mill. - butter-and-eggs
Penstemon digitalis Nutt. ex Sims - tall white beard-tongue
Penstemon tubaeflorus Nutt. - white wand beard-tongue
Plantago aristata Michx. - large-bracted plantain
Plantago patagonica Jacq. - woolly plantain
Plantago rugelii Decne. - Rugel's plantain
Plantago virginica L. - Virginia plantain
Veronica arvensis L. - corn speedwell
Veronica hederifolia L. - ivy-leaved speedwell
Veronica longifolia L. - long-leaved speedwell
Veronica peregrina L. - purslane speedwell
Veronica persica Poir. - bird's-eye speedwell
Veronica polita Fr. - wayside speedwell
Agrostis stolonifera L. - creeping tickle grass
Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. - short-awned foxtail
Alopecurus pratensis L. - meadow foxtail
Aristida basiramea Engelm. ex Vasey - fork-tip three-awn grass
Aristida oligantha Michx. - plains three-awn grass
Aristida tuberculosa Nutt. - seaside three-awn
Bouteloua curtipendula - side-oats grama
Bouteloua hirsuta - hairy grama grass
Bromus arvensis L. - fringed brome
Bromus ciliatus L. - fringed brome
Bromus inermis Leyss. - smooth brome
Bromus kalmii A.Gray - prairie brome
Bromus pubescens Muhl. ex Willd. - hairy woodland brome
Bromus racemosus L. - smooth brome
Bromus tectorum L. - June grass
Cinna arundinacea L. - stout wood-reed
Dactylis glomerata L. - orchard grass
Dichanthelium latifolium (L.) Harvill - broad-leaved panic grass
Dichanthelium linearifolium (Scribn.) Gould - slender-leaved panic grass
Dichanthelium perlongum (Nash) Freckmann - long-stalked panic grass
Digitaria cognata - fall witch grass
Elymus canadensis L. - Great Plains wild-rye
Elymus curvatus Piper - awnless wild-rye
Elymus hystrix L. - glumeless wild-rye
Elymus hystrix var. hystrix - glumeless wild-rye
Elymus riparius Wiegand - eastern riverbank wild-rye
Elymus villosus - silky wild-rye
Elymus wiegandii Fernald - Wiegand's wild-rye
Eragrostis minor Host - little love grass
Festuca paradoxa Desv. - cluster fescue
Festuca rubra L. - red fescue
Glyceria borealis (Nash) Batch. - boreal manna grass
Glyceria grandis S.Watson - reed manna grass
Hordeum jubatum L. - squirrel-tail grass
Hordeum pusillum Nutt. - little barley
Hordeum vulgare L. - common barley
Lolium perenne L. - perennial rye grass
Lolium perenne subsp. perenne - perennial rye grass
Panicum capillare - witch grass
Panicum virgatum L. - switch grass
Phalaris arundinacea L. - reed canary grass
Phalaris canariensis L. - common canary grass
Poa annua L. - speargrass
Poa compressa L. - wiregrass
Poa languida Hitchc. - weak bluegrass
Poa nemoralis L. - wood bluegrass
Poa palustris L. - marsh bluegrass
Poa pratensis L. - Kentucky bluegrass
Poa trivialis L. - rough bluegrass
Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl. - weeping alkali grass
Setaria faberi R.A.W.Herrm. - nodding foxtail
Setaria verticillata (L.) P.Beauv. - hooked bristle grass
Setaria verticilliformis Dumort. - barbed bristle grass
Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash - yellow Indian grass
Sporobolus neglectus Nash - small drop-seed
Zizania aquatica L. - southern wild rice
Collomia linearis Nutt. - narrow-leaved mountain trumpet
Phlox divaricata - woodland phlox
Phlox paniculata L. - summer phlox
Polemonium reptans - spreading Jacob's-ladder
Polemonium reptans var. reptans - spreading Jacob's-ladder
Polygala sanguinea L. - purple milkwort
Polygala senega L. - senega root
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench - common buckwheat
Fallopia cilinodis (Michx.) Holub - fringed black bindweed
Fallopia scandens (L.) Holub - climbing false buckwheat
Persicaria arifolia (L.) Haraldson - Halberd-leaf tearthumb
Persicaria longiseta (Bruyn) Kitag. - Oriental lady's-thumb
Persicaria maculosa Gray - spotted lady's-thumb
Polygonum achoreum S.F.Blake - Blake's knotweed
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