WIS - To view common names and/or pictures, check the boxes to the right and hit 'Rebuild List'. Uncheck the boxes to rebuild as a checklist of scientific names.Families: 38
Genera: 105
Species: 142
Total Taxa: 142 (including subsp. and var.)
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Oenothera nuttallii
white evening-primrose
Oxypolis rigidior
stiff cowbane
Parietaria pensylvanica
Pennsylvanian pellitory
Parnassia glauca
fen grass-of-Parnassus
Paronychia canadensis
smooth-forked nailwort
Parthenium integrifolium
wild quinine
Penthorum sedoides
ditch stonecrop
Pilea pumila
Canadian clearweed
Plantago rugelii
Rugel's plantain
Platanthera obtusata
blunt-leaved orchid
Platanthera orbiculata
large round-leaved orchid
Polanisia dodecandra
rough-seed clammy-weed
Polygala verticillata
whorled milkwort
Polygonella articulata
northern jointweed
Polygonum aviculare
Prenanthes alba
white rattlesnakeroot
Prenanthes racemosa
purple rattlesnake-root
Pycnanthemum virginianum
Virginia mountain mint
Raphanus sativus
wild radish
Saponaria officinalis
Scleranthus annuus
German knotgrass
Scleranthus perennis
perennial knawel
Scrophularia lanceolata
lance-leaf figwort
Scrophularia marilandica
late figwort
Silene noctiflora
sticky cockle
Silene vulgaris
Solanum carolinense var. carolinense
Solanum ptychanthum
West Indian nightshade
Solidago bicolor
white goldenrod
Solidago ptarmicoides
upland white goldenrod
Spergula arvensis
corn spurry
Spiranthes cernua
nodding lady's-tresses
Spiranthes lacera
northern slender lady's-tresses
Spiranthes romanzoffiana
hooded lady's-tresses
Stellaria graminea
Stellaria media
common chickweed
Sullivantia sullivantii
Sullivant's cool-wort
Trifolium hybridum
alsike clover
Urtica dioica
stinging nettle
Verbena urticifolia
white vervain
Veronicastrum virginicum