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Families: 114

Genera: 420

Species: 908

Total Taxa: 1027 (including subsp. and var.)

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Acorus calamus L. - sweet-flag
Sambucus racemosa - scarlet elderberry
Viburnum acerifolium L. - maple-leaved viburnum
Viburnum lentago L. - sheepberry
Viburnum trilobum Marshall - high-bush cranberry
Alisma sp. L. - Water-plantain
Alisma subcordatum Raf. - southern water-plantain
Alisma triviale Pursh - northern water-plantain
Sagittaria cristata Engelm. - crested arrow-head
Sagittaria rigida Pursh - stiff arrow-head
Amaranthus hybridus L. - smooth pigweed
Chenopodium album L. - lamb's quarters
Chenopodium glaucum - oak-leaved goosefoot
Chenopodium glaucum var. glaucum - oak-leaved goosefoot
Chenopodium simplex (Torr.) Raf. - maple-leaved goosefoot
Salsola tragus L. - tumbleweed
Rhus typhina L. - staghorn sumac
Carum carvi L. - caraway
Cicuta bulbifera L. - bulblet water-hemlock
Cicuta maculata L. - spotted water-hemlock
Daucus carota L. - wild carrot
Heracleum maximum W.Bartram - American cow-parsnip
Osmorhiza longistylis (Torr.) DC. - smooth sweet cicely
Pastinaca sativa L. - wild parsnip
Pimpinella saxifraga L. - solid-stem burnet-saxifrage
Sanicula canadensis L. - Canadian sanicle
Sanicula marilandica L. - Maryland sanicle
Sium suave Walter - water-parsnip
Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. - Japanese hedge-parsley
Apocynum androsaemifolium L. - spreading dogbane
Asclepias exaltata L. - tall milkweed
Asclepias incarnata L. - swamp milkweed
Asclepias ovalifolia Decne. - oval-leaved milkweed
Asclepias verticillata L. - whorled milkweed
Ilex verticillata (L.) A.Gray - common winterberry
Arisaema triphyllum (L.) Schott - Jack-in-the-pulpit
Calla palustris L. - wild calla
Lemna minor L. - small duckweed
Lemna trisulca L. - star duckweed
Lemna turionifera Landolt - Turion duckweed
Wolffia brasiliensis Wedd. - Brazilian water-meal
Wolffia columbiana H.Karst. - common water-meal
Aralia hispida Vent. - bristly sarsaparilla
Aralia nudicaulis L. - wild sarsaparilla
Aralia racemosa L. - life-of-man
Hydrocotyle americana L. - marsh pennywort
Panax trifolius L. - groundnut
Asarum canadense L. - wild-ginger
Asparagus officinalis L. - garden asparagus
Maianthemum canadense Desf. - wild lily-of-the-valley
Maianthemum canadense var. canadense - wild lily-of-the-valley
Maianthemum racemosum - Solomon's-plume
Maianthemum stellatum (L.) Link - starry false Solomon's-seal
Maianthemum trifolium (L.) Sloboda - three-leaf Solomon's-plume
Ambrosia trifida L. - horse-cane
Antennaria neglecta Greene - field pussy-toes
Anthemis cotula L. - stinking-cotula
Bidens cernua L. - nodding bur-marigold
Bidens frondosa L. - devil's beggar-ticks
Bidens vulgata Greene - tall beggar-ticks
Centaurea sp. L. - Star-Thistle
Cirsium muticum Michx. - swamp thistle
Crepis tectorum L. - narrow-leaved hawk's-beard
Doellingeria umbellata (Mill.) Nees - tall flat-topped white aster
Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. - eastern daisy fleabane
Erigeron philadelphicus - Philadelphia daisy
Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. - grass-leaved goldenrod
Eutrochium maculatum L. - spotted Joe-Pye-weed
Gnaphalium uliginosum L. - marsh cudweed
Helenium autumnale L. - common sneezeweed
Helianthus annuus L. - garden sunflower
Helianthus decapetalus L. - thin-leaved sunflower
Helianthus giganteus L. - tall sunflower
Helianthus strumosus L. - rough-leaved sunflower
Hieracium scabrum Michx. - sticky hawkweed
Hieracium umbellatum L. - northern hawkweed
Krigia biflora (Walter) S.F.Blake - orange dwarf-dandelion
Krigia virginica (L.) Willd. - Virginia dwarf-dandelion
Lactuca canadensis L. - Canada lettuce
Lactuca serriola L. - prickly lettuce
Liatris aspera Michx. - rough gayfeather
Packera aurea (L.) A.Löve & D.Löve - heart-leaved groundsel
Polymnia canadensis L. - white-flowered leaf-cup
Prenanthes alba L. - white rattlesnakeroot
Rudbeckia hirta - black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia laciniata L. - wild golden-glow
Rudbeckia triloba var. triloba - three-lobed coneflower
Solidago altissima L. - late goldenrod
Solidago canadensis L. - common goldenrod
Solidago flexicaulis L. - zigzag goldenrod
Solidago gigantea Aiton - smooth goldenrod
Solidago juncea Aiton - early goldenrod
Solidago nemoralis Aiton - old-field goldenrod
Solidago speciosa Nutt. - showy goldenrod
Solidago uliginosa Nutt. - northern bog goldenrod
Sonchus sp. L. - Sow-Thistle
Sonchus arvensis L. - perennial sow-thistle
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill - spiny-leaf sow-thistle
Sonchus oleraceus L. - field sow-thistle
Tragopogon dubius Scop. - yellow salsify
Tragopogon pratensis L. - yellow goat's-beard
Xanthium strumarium L. - rough cocklebur
Impatiens capensis Meerb. - spotted touch-me-not
Impatiens glandulifera Royle - ornamental jewelweed
Berberis thunbergii DC. - Japanese barberry
Podophyllum peltatum L. - wild mandrake
Betula pumila L. - swamp birch
Betula x sandbergii Britton - Sandberg's birch
Corylus americana Walter - American hazelnut
Corylus cornuta - beaked hazelnut
Hydrophyllum virginianum L. - Virginia waterleaf
Myosotis scorpioides L. - water scorpion-grass
Berteroa incana (L.) DC. - hoary-alyssum
Cardamine pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd. - Pennsylvania bitter-cress
Draba verna L. - vernal whitlow-grass
Erysimum cheiranthoides L. - worm-seed wallflower
Hesperis matronalis L. - dame's rocket
Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. - small peppergrass
Sinapis arvensis L. - charlock mustard
Sisymbrium altissimum L. - tall tumble mustard
Thlaspi arvense L. - field pennycress
Campanula sp. - Harebell
Campanula aparinoides Pursh - marsh bellflower
Campanula rapunculoides L. - rover bellflower
Lobelia cardinalis - cardinal-flower
Lobelia inflata L. - Indian-tobacco
Lobelia kalmii L. - Ontario lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica L. - great blue lobelia
Lobelia spicata Lam. - spiked lobelia
Diervilla lonicera Mill. - northern bush-honeysuckle
Lonicera dioica L. - red honeysuckle
Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hook. - swamp fly honeysuckle
Lonicera tatarica L. - Tartarian honeysuckle
Lonicera villosa (Michx.) Schult. - mountain fly honeysuckle
Lonicera X bella Zabel - white-bell honeysuckle
Atocion armeria (L.) Raf. - sweet-William silene
Cerastium fontanum - common mouse-ear chickweed
Cerastium nutans - nodding mouse-ear chickweed
Dianthus armeria - Deptford pink
Holosteum umbellatum - jagged chickweed
Silene antirrhina L. - sleepy silene
Silene csereii Baumg. - glaucous campion
Silene flos-cuculi - ragged-robin
Silene latifolia Poir. - white cockle
Silene noctiflora L. - sticky cockle
Spergula arvensis L. - corn spurry
Stellaria longifolia Muhl. ex Willd. - long-leaved stitchwort
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. - common chickweed
Celastrus scandens L. - climbing bittersweet
Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold - winged spindle-tree
Crocanthemum canadense (L.) Britton - long-branch frostweed
Lechea intermedia - large-pod pinweed
Uvularia grandiflora Sm. - large-flowered bellwort
Commelina communis L. - common dayflower
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. - hedge false bindweed
Convolvulus arvensis L. - field bindweed
Cornus alternifolia L.f. - pagoda dogwood
Cornus canadensis L. - dwarf cornel
Cornus foemina Mill. - panicled dogwood
Cornus sericea L. - red osier dogwood
Thuja occidentalis L. - northern white-cedar
Carex sp. L. - Sedge
Carex albursina E.Sheld. - white bear sedge
Carex arcta Boott - northern clustered sedge
Carex arctata Boott - drooping woodland sedge
Carex aurea Nutt. - golden-fruited sedge
Carex blanda Dewey - wood sedge
Carex comosa Boott - bristly sedge
Carex crawfordii Fernald - Crawford's sedge
Carex crinita - fringed sedge
Carex diandra Schrank - lesser panicled sedge
Carex disperma Dewey - two-seeded bog sedge
Carex flava L. - yellow sedge
Carex foenea Willd. - bronze-headed oval sedge
Carex gracillima Schwein. - purple-sheathed graceful sedge
Carex granularis Muhl. ex Willd. - limestone meadow sedge
Carex gynandra Schwein. - nodding sedge
Carex hirtifolia Mack. - pubescent sedge
Carex interior L.H.Bailey - inland star sedge
Carex intumescens Rudge - swollen sedge
Carex lacustris Willd. - rip-gut sedge
Carex leptonervia (Fernald) Fernald - nerveless woodland sedge
Carex lucorum var. lucorum - long-beaked oak sedge
Carex peckii Howe - Peck's sedge
Carex pellita Willd. - broad-leaved woolly sedge
Carex pensylvanica Lam. - Pennsylvania sedge
Carex plantaginea Lam. - plantain-leaved wood sedge
Carex projecta Mack. - necklace sedge
Carex pseudocyperus L. - false bristly sedge
Carex radiata (Wahlenb.) Small - straight-styled wood sedge
Carex retrorsa Schwein. - retrorse sedge
Carex rostrata Stokes - northern yellow lake sedge
Carex sartwellii Dewey - Sartwell's sedge
Carex stricta Lam. - uptight sedge
Carex tenera Dewey - narrow-leaved oval sedge
Carex trisperma Dewey - three-seeded sedge
Carex tuckermanii Dewey - Tuckerman's sedge
Carex utriculata Boott - Northwest Territory sedge
Carex viridula - little green sedge
Carex woodii Dewey - Wood's stiff sedge
Cyperus bipartitus Torr. - slender flat sedge
Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhl. - red-rooted sedge
Cyperus esculentus - yellow nut sedge
Cyperus odoratus L. - rusty flat sedge
Cyperus schweinitzii Torr. - Schweinitz's flat sedge
Cyperus strigosus L. - straw-colored cyperus
Eleocharis elliptica Kunth - elliptic spike-rush
Eleocharis intermedia Schult. - matted spike-rush
Eleocharis robbinsii Oakes - Robbins' spike-rush
Eriophorum vaginatum L. - tussock cotton-grass
Eriophorum virginicum L. - tawny cotton-grass
Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla - common three-square bulrush
Scirpus atrocinctus Fernald - black-girdled wool-grass
Scirpus atrovirens Willd. - dark-green bulrush
Scirpus hattorianus Makino - mosquito bulrush
Scirpus pendulus Muhl. - rufous bulrush
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn - eastern bracken fern
Drosera rotundifolia L. - round-leaved sundew
Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth - northern lady fern
Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh. - bulblet fragile fern
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. - northern fragile fern
Cystopteris tenuis (Michx.) Desv. - upland brittle bladder fern
Onoclea sensibilis L. - sensitive fern
Equisetum arvense L. - field horsetail
Equisetum fluviatile L. - water horsetail
Equisetum hyemale - scouring rush horsetail
Equisetum laevigatum A.Braun - smooth scouring rush
Equisetum pratense Ehrh. - meadow horsetail
Equisetum scirpoides Michx. - sedge horsetail
Equisetum sylvaticum L. - woodland horsetail
Equisetum variegatum - variegated scouring rush
Epigaea repens L. - trailing-arbutus
Monotropa uniflora L. - Indian-pipe
Orthilia secunda (L.) House - one-sided wintergreen
Pyrola elliptica Nutt. - wax-flower shin-leaf
Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton - low sweet blueberry
Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton - large cranberry
Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx. - velvet-leaf huckleberry
Vaccinium oxycoccos L. - small cranberry
Euphorbia corollata L. - flowering spurge
Euphorbia cyparissias L. - graveyard spurge
Euphorbia glyptosperma Engelm. - ridge-seeded spurge
Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. - showy tick-trefoil
Lathyrus palustris L. - slender-stem pea-vine
Lespedeza capitata Michx. - round-headed lespedeza
Lotus corniculatus L. - bird's-foot trefoil
Lupinus perennis L. - wild lupine
Medicago lupulina L. - black medick
Melilotus albus Medik. - white sweet-clover
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. - yellow sweet-clover
Securigera varia (L.) Lassen - purple crown-vetch
Trifolium hybridum L. - alsike clover
Trifolium repens L. - white clover
Vicia villosa Roth - winter vetch
Quercus alba L. - white oak
Quercus bicolor Willd. - swamp white oak
Quercus rubra L. - northern red oak
Gentiana andrewsii - prairie closed gentian
Gentiana andrewsii var. andrewsii - prairie closed gentian
Gentiana rubricaulis Schwein. - red-stemmed gentian
Gentianopsis crinita (Froel.) Ma - greater fringed gentian
Geranium maculatum L. - wild geranium
Ribes americanum Mill. - wild black currant
Ribes cynosbati L. - prickly wild gooseberry
Ribes glandulosum Grauer - skunk currant
Ribes hirtellum Michx. - swamp gooseberry
Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. - spiny swamp currant
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