Salix petiolaris Sm.
Family: Salicaceae
Determiner: Zaborsky, J.G. (5/2023)
Haugh, Kari 155
Date: 1981-08-04
Verbatim Date: Aug 4, 1981
United States, Wisconsin, Iowa, Hwy 80, 0.6 mi. S of Livingston to County Line Rd. S on County Line Rd. 1.1 mi. to New California Rd. E on New California Rd. 0.5 mi. to Dave Rundall farm. N side of road.
42.87824387 -90.41795343 +-1138m.
Verbatim Coordinates:
T05N R01E sec30
Georeference Remarks:
Latitude/Longitude was derived from the Township, Range, Section location. This causes an imprecision.
N throught farmyard 0.4 mi. to mine dump piles on W side of road. Sandy loam and rocky substrate.
Occurrence Remarks:
Voucher specimen. uwpl006419
Record Id: b1130a2f-04d5-4a91-8d13-ccad6faa34ba
Occurrence ID (GUID):